For those still running an AMD Ryzen 3000 series "Zen 2" desktop it really ought to be time to upgrade soon for better performance and power efficiency given the Zen 5 performance benchmarks thus far, but for those still planning to use the Ryzen 3000 series for some time, a quirk/workaround is on the way for enabling more of those older platforms to work with the AMD P-State Linux driver...
Following decisions like exploring -O3 package builds for Ubuntu Linux, another newly-announced change by Canonical I must applaud is their decision to commit to shipping the very latest upstream kernel code at release time...
With the new AMD Ryzen 9000 series processors the AGESA supports up to DDR5-8000 memory. With yesterday's testing of the AMD Ryzen 5 9600X and Ryzen 7 9700X review all of the tests were done at DDR5-6000 in matching with the Ryzen 7000 series and Intel Core 13th/14th Gen configurations. In this article today is an initial look at the DDR5-8000 performance with the AMD Ryzen 7 9700X while using Corsair Vengeance 2 x 16GB DDR5-8000 DIMMs (Corsair CMH32GX5M2X8000C36).
OpenBLAS 0.3.28 made it out today as the open-source optimized BLAS library that caters to a wide range of processors spanning various architectures. With this OpenBLAS 0.3.28 release are yet more optimizations and new CPU optimized paths...
Bude stačit balík změn, které šéf Intelu představil? Nezařadí se Intel spolu s Boeingem po bok firem, které kdysi vládly světu a dnes jsou relevantní asi jako Kodak? Sahá si Intel na definitivní dno?
System76 today is releasing an alpha build of Pop!_OS 24.04 that is built atop Ubuntu 24.04 LTS and making it very interesting is that it includes the alpha version of their Rust-written COSMIC desktop environment. I've been playing around with this Pop!_OS 24.04 alpha in advance of today's embargo lift and it's been working out quite well...
Red Hat's performance team has been working on the Tuned profile delivery software as an alternative to power-profiles-daemon on Linux systems. Fedora will be switching over to Tuned to replace power-profiles-daemon and the newest Tuned 2.24 release is now available...
With upcoming Intel Arrow Lake H processors it's just not P cores and E cores but for the E cores will be a mix of both Skymont and Crestmont core types...
GNOME's libspelling library is seeing up to eight times faster spell checking performance thanks to threading and other optimizations...
For those making use of Microsoft's exFAT file-system on Linux systems, the user-space programs within exfatprogs have been updated that also include more robust "fsck.exfat" capabilities for checking and repairing exFAT file-systems...
Hyprland 0.42 has been released as the newest feature release to this dynamic tiling Wayland compositor that remains "100% independent" and "doesn't sacrifice on its looks." Hyprland had been doing some heavy lifting via the Wlroots library but now in version 0.42 that dependency is eliminated...
Valve has just released a SteamOS 3.6.9 beta as the newest update to their Arch Linux derived operating system powering the Steam Deck and other gaming devices...
Na úvodní článek o datové analýze s využitím knihovny scikit-learn dnes navážeme. Ukážeme si práci s modely provádějícími klasifikaci dat. Konkrétně se bude jednat o modely, které se „učí s učitelem“ – supervised learning.
Gravitační vlny a velký třesk. Co dokáží telefony s umělou inteligencí. Čtvrtý rozměr, sítě 5G, ozonová díra, kouzla s DNA…
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Jak detekovat částice temné hmoty. Nahradí magnetická rezonance testy IQ? Tabbyina hvězda a její poklesy jasnosti – další teorie. Umělá inteligence v roce 2018. Výtahy, beton, staroegyptská medicína a alkohol z tofu.
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