Intel engineers today released OpenVINO 2024.4 as the newest version of their open-source AI toolkit. OpenVINO 2024.4 prepares for upcoming Intel Core Ultra Series 2 "Lunar Lake" processors, supports newer Gen AI models, now supports Python 3.12, and finally adds official support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9...
The Microsoft Hyper-V updates have been submitted for the Linux 6.12 kernel. They are mostly small changes but does bring work to optimize the boot time for large Hyper-V VMs...
The XFS file-system changes have been merged for the Linux 6.12 kernel and introduce new ioctls for being able to exchange the contents of two files...
Jak si správně vybrat písmo pro svůj účel? Obvykle se snažíme najít kompromis mezi krásou a užitečností. Záleží přitom na charakteru textu. Plakát je krátký a měl by dobře vypadat, manuál zase musí být čitelný.
Často se setkáme s datovými sadami, které obsahují velké množství atributů. Většinou ovšem dopředu nevíme, které z nich má smysl použít pro trénink modelu a které atributy jsou naopak zbytečné či dokonce nevhodné.
For anyone still relying upon virtual reality (VR) applications written for the OpenGL API rather than the Vulkan API that has been dominant among VR apps (and other modern games / software) for years, the Mesa code and in particular the Zink OpenGL-on-Vulkan driver now supports the OpenGL VR (OVR) extensions...
An interesting merge request opened this week and already merged for Mesa 24.3 comes from an Autodesk engineer adding Vulkan Windowing System Integration (WSI) around Apple's Metal API for use on macOS...
The FFmpeg multimedia library continues to enhance its support around the Vulkan Video APIs with the latest commits seeing H.264 and H.265/HEVC Vulkan encode support merged...
Inštalačné obrazy beta verzie linuxovej distribúcie Fedora 41 sú už dostupné na stiahnutie. Užívatelia si môžu vyskúšať všetky doterajšie novinky. Vydanie stabilnej verzie je predbežne naplánované na záver budúceho mesiaca.
For those wondering about the performance of the NVIDIA RTX 6000 Ada Generation workstation performance on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS with the up-to-date NVIDIA Linux graphics drivers now relying on the open-source kernel modules, this article is for you in looking at the performance of this high-end workstation graphics card on the up-to-date Linux software stack. The NVIDIA RTX 6000 Ada Generation is tested alongside the RTX 2000 / 4000 Ada Generation graphics cards and also the AMD Radeon PRO W7000 series competition atop Ubuntu 24.04 LTS.
Not to be confused with the proposal a few days ago by an AMD engineer for Attack Vector Controls for broader control over CPU security mitigation handling, the in-development Linux 6.12 kernel is adding new Kconfig options to allow for more build-time control over what CPU security mitigation code is compiled for the kernel...
Intel Compute Runtime 24.35.30872.22 released today as the newest tagged version of this open-source GPU compute stack providing oneAPI Level Zero and OpenCL support for Linux and Windows systems...
Merged as part of the Linux Security Modules (LSM) updates for the Linux 6.12 kernel is the new Integrity Policy Enforcement (IPE) module that has been years in the making. Integrity Policy Enforcement is an alternative to access controls...
Zahajujeme sérii článků věnované umění sémantické manipulace se strukturovanými daty. Prozkoumáme běžné chyby při manipulaci s řetězci (strings) a jejich vliv na softwarové systémy.
Pravidelná středeční sonda do světa software. Dnes se podíváme na správce proxy serverů, necháme si vykreslit průběhy (waveforms) z CSV a nakonec budeme testovat protokoly.